Employee Refresher Training
Communicate | Educate | Training Video | Video Presentation
Bus drivers in Las Vegas were forgetting all of the steps they needed to follow before they pull-out of the yard to drive their route for the day. What was the solution? Create a video showing all the steps with visual detail.
Transdev North America is one of the largest operators of public transportation in the USA. Transdev is content-smith LLC’s largest client. When we learned that bus drivers were not following the many steps they need to follow to start their route for the day, plus be introduced to new ones, we created a video to show them those steps, what they look like, and why they are so important to perform in the correct sequence.

This video showed every 15 minutes in the driver lounge and in other areas that drivers would frequent. In a matter of weeks, management noticed that steps were being followed correctly.
Videos like this can be used to remind employees of work tasks requiring lots of steps or changes in their normal workflow. Along with explaining, the video shows the employee what those steps (or new steps) visually look like.
This content features:
- Shows employee paperwork
- Shows computer software screens
- The video is designed to be like a presentation
- Upbeat narration that catches a viewer’s attention