Software Training in VDS:
Check In Employee
Educate | e-Lessons | Transit | Video Presentation
This is a typical example of a software e-Lesson that a new employee would use in order to do their job. This example shows how a dispatcher checks-in a bus driver at the beginning of their work shift.
VDS is a software package used by public transit operations to keep track of employee time. Most of these employees are bus drivers, which have complex work schedules. Checking in and out employees is important for them to get paid properly and for VDS to determine how buses will either be running on-time or late.

An example of the Check-in/Check-out screen in VDS
This content features:
- Animated diagrams & illustrations
- Explains how to use a software program’s input screen
- Tests the learner’s knowledge by emulating the input screen
- When e-Lesson is finished, it records the learner’s success