e-Lessons / e-Learning
e-Lessons are like interactive video, causing viewers to connect with what they’re watching.
A new way to train and interact with people, e-Lessons or e-Learning combines various forms of media, such as audio, pictures, diagrams, and video, into engaging ways to present information.
Training videos are a great way to train people. However, how do you know if someone wasn’t paying attention to the video they were watching? And, how can you tell if someone even watched a video they were asked to watch? The concept of e-Learning not only interacts with the viewer to make sure they are engaged and learning but also tracks who took an e-Lesson and how well they scored on their interactions, meaning how well they comprehended what they learned.
Examples of e-Lessons:

How to Build a Transit Run
A combination training video and e-Lesson explaining public transit concepts

Software Training: Check In Employee
A combination training video and e-Lesson explaining public transit concepts

Trapeze PASS 101: Introduction
An e-lesson explaining public transit concepts and the computer software to use