BackRoadsWest presents:


Lookup by Place

Listed here, in alphabetical order, are all the Places (Chapters) available in this Guide.  Think of this list as an index to a book.  Use this list as a quick and easy way to find a particular location (Chapter).  Simply scroll down until you find the Place you are looking for and click on the Section you want to see.  If a Place is closely linked to another Place nearby, that Section is listed for you, too.  Another great way to look up a particular location/Chapter is to use our Lookup by Map feature.

There are many places or points of interest mentioned in this Guide that do not have their own Chapter.  If you are searching for a particular place or point of interest and don't see it on this list, click on the Chapter that's geographically closest to it.

Place Page(s)
bullet Main Page
Arthur's Pass
bullet TranzAlpine
Banks Peninsula
bullet Akaroa
bullet Main Page
bullet TranzAlpine
Dart River
bullet Main Page
Franz Josef
bullet Main Page
bullet West Coast Drive
bullet Dart River
bullet TranzAlpine
Hagley Park
bullet Christchurch
Milford Sound
bullet Main Page
Driving to Milford Sound
bullet Main Page
bullet Dart River
bullet Milford Sound
Southern Alps (flying over)
bullet Main Page
bullet Main Page
bullet Christchurch
bullet West Coast Drive


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